Windsor Machines Limited - 60th Anniversary Windsor Machines Limited - 60th Anniversary

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      Sunshine Plastic Industries

      We are glad to inform that the machine Sprint 150 T, supplied by you, is running successfully to our satisfaction level since installation without any problem.

      Sunshine Plastic Industries


      We would like to place on record that we had Sprint – 350 machines with hydro mechanical clamping from Windsor Machines Limited this September 2008. The Machine has been running without any problem since then. We observed that the power consumption and cycle time has been reduced considerably.

      Divisional Manager, Worth Plastics

      Our success can only be attributed to the exemplary performance of the uPVC plants and injection moulding machines that Windsor Machines has supplied to our works.

      Prakash Kumar Khemani
      Director-commercial, Suraj-logistix Pvt.Ltd

      We are pleased to inform you that we are satisfied with the performance of your supplied and installed Three Layer Non-IBC Blown Film Plants and Three Layer IBC Blown Film Plants at our Domjur-Howrah Plant.

      Subhastdra Matra
      VP -Tech & Works, Creative Polypack Pvt.Ltd.

      We thank Windsor Machines technical team for successfully commissioning the newly supplied three Layer IBC film plant model REX1500 IBC at our factory in Nagpur.

      Vaibhav Agrawal
      Director, Vaibhav Plasto Printing & Packaging Pvt. Ltd.

      We are associated with Windsor Machines Ltd. for the last two decades, using their single & dual RPVC pipe extrusion lines of capacities ranging from 170 to 700 kgs/hr.

      Parag J. Chheda
      Joint Managing Director, Price Piping Systems

      Wish to convey my deepest appreciation to Windsor Machines’ team for properly executing & commissioning our 1st new injection moulding machine order for SPRINT H650 TON successfully. Windsor Machines’ attitude, commitment, dedication, determination and unselfishness was the key factor for this project is a success. We are able to produce superior quality sample crates further adding to get new orders from Vegetable Crate Market. Congratulations for the ultimate teamwork you have executed & helping us in each & every segment whether it is m/c, mould or raw material.

      Bhavesh Parchwani
      Maxpro Plast India

      I introduce myself; I am C.A.Jose Managing Director Kalpaka plastics (P) Ltd since 1992. Prior to that, I was CEO of Kwality Group of companies from 1986 to 1992. Now we have three factories in different places of Trichur. We have seven Nos of Windsor make a machine from Sumo 110 to SP 300 range. All the machines are working well and services of the technical wing of Windsor Machine are appreciated. Similarly, supply of spare parts also has no delay. We are fully satisfied with these machines and services of Technical Team Windsor Machines Ltd.

      Managing Director, Kalpaka plastics Pvt. Ltd.

      In Apollo Pipes Limited – Windsor Machines is not a machinery supplier rather they are considered as an extended arm of Apollo’s team for providing cost economical solutions for manufacturing uPVC, cPVC pipes, and fittings. Their energy-efficient, robust and techno-economical Injection Molding machines are backed by enthusiastic marketing, production and service team who runs an extra mile to understand the logical requirement of customer and leave no stone unturned to fulfill customer’s needs which leads to earning higher customer satisfaction as a reward to them & in-turn keep them charged up.

      Apollo Pipes Limited

      We are pleased to inform you that we are satisfied with the performance of your supplied and installed UPVC Pipe Plants at our Patna and Jamshedpur Units.

      Gupta Polytubes Pvt. Ltd.

      We started our journey with Windsor Machines in the year 2006 with two machines and Windsor Machines has helped “hairplaast” to grow steadily over the past 8 years. All our success can only be possible due to the superior performance of the uPVC pipe plants, HDPE Pipe plants and CPVCPipe plant.

      Sangram Ku .Das
      Director, Hari Udyog Pvt. Ltd.

      We are pleased to inform you that we are satisfied with the performance of your supplied and installed UPVC Pipe Plants at our Balasore Unit.

      Ohm Pipe Pvt. Ltd.

      We are pleased to inform you that we are satisfied with the performance of your supplied and installed UPVC Pipe plants and Injection moulding Machines at our Sabalpur, Patna Plant.

      Ramesh Chandra Gupta
      Managing Director, Shiva Polytubes Pvt.Ltd

      We Wish you Convey our deepest appreciation to Windsor Machines’s team for successfully commissioning of newly supplied PVC pipe Plants For UPVC & CPVC Fitting applications at our new plant Gurap, West Bangal.

      Sunil Bansal

      As you know we commissioned our Windsor Machines Servo Sprint H model 350T machine on January 05, 2014. The machine was commissioned as soon as it arrived and we are extremely Thankful to the support your team provided us.

      Shyamala Devi
      Rihno Plast

      We would like to place on record that we have procured your Armour 900 T/9800 IU with servo drive in July 2012 for moulding of components for white goods. Since installation, the machine is running without any problem to our satisfaction.

      Shree Mother Plast (India) Pvt Ltd.

      We would like to place on record that we had added Sprint H — 450 machine with Servo drive the new model from Windsor Machines Limited this July 2013. The Machine has been running without any problem to our satisfaction level.

      Shree Plastics

      I wish to convey my deepest appreciation to Windsor Machines’ team for commissioning the SPET Bubble Top PET PREFORM plant very successfully. Windsor Machines’ attitude, commitment, dedication, determination and unselfishness to impart your knowledge, was the key factor for this project being a success. Congratulations once again and all the very best in the years to come. God bless you all.

      AKG Industries

      Performance of KT 5110, KTS 170, KTS 200 Dual & KTS 350 We found that the performance of the machines is very much of our satisfaction.

      Mg.Partner, Associted Pipes Industries